Is it Soda? Pop? Coke? Are Any Soft Drinks OK for Your Teeth?

Is it soda, pop, or coke? I never realized there was such a debate over what soft drinks are called around the country. This region of our country simply refers to any soft drink as “coke”. I’ m sure that Pepsi isn’t too happy about this, but whatever you call it, it all has the …

Floss Like a Boss!

Research suggests that 60-90% of people don’t floss everyday. That means that the majority of people who walk into their dentist office know that within minutes they are going to have to confess to their dentist that they failed to uphold what they agreed to start doing 6 months ago…floss.  Flossing can be time consuming, …

Cavity Prevention: So Easy a Caveman Could Do It!

In recent news, a huge haul of bones was unearthed in a cave in South Africa that could be the remnants of an ancient human relative.  They have given the ancient ancestor the name Homo naledi.  Among the bones that were discovered were pieces of ancient skulls and jaws that showed little to no dental …

Those Snacks Could Be Crushing Your Teeth!

Ever heard the phrase “looks can be deceiving”? If you ask me, it should be the slogan for the food marketing industry because it couldn’t be any more fitting! Food products are always slapping on labels like “natural”, “made with real fruit”, “whole grains”, “added nutrients”, “fat free” to grab your attention and make you …

That Toothache is a Signal!

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who call their dentist right away when they experience oral pain, sensitivity, and toothaches and those that don’t and hope it goes away (I hate to say it, but it eventually does). This article will help explain why you should always be the kind of …