Is it Soda? Pop? Coke? Are Any Soft Drinks OK for Your Teeth?

Is it soda, pop, or coke? I never realized there was such a debate over what soft drinks are called around the country. This region of our country simply refers to any soft drink as “coke”. I’ m sure that Pepsi isn’t too happy about this, but whatever you call it, it all has the …


Sensitive teeth are no JOKE! Do you cringe at the thought of biting into a cold and creamy ice cream cone? Or maybe taking a sip of your hot morning coffee makes you wince? Unless you just really don’t like ice cream or coffee, you could be experiencing sensitive teeth.   This is an illustration …

That Toothache is a Signal!

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who call their dentist right away when they experience oral pain, sensitivity, and toothaches and those that don’t and hope it goes away (I hate to say it, but it eventually does). This article will help explain why you should always be the kind of …